psoas release blog en oefeningen

Psoas and Stiffness [with exercises]

Psoas and Kundalini Yoga Rebirthing: The Journey to Deep Healing

Rigidity is not only in our thinking, but also in our body. I learned this by struggling for years with tension that I did not even recognize. It was only when I really started to delve into the psoas – the 'Muscle of the Soul' – that I realized how deeply rooted this tension was. The psoas, which is deeply hidden in our pelvic area, in the deepest connective tissue layers, is one of the most important muscles in our body. Psoas connects the upper and lower body and not only holds physical tension, but also emotional and energetic blockages.


The Psoas and Black and White Thinking

For years I thought I had to choose between intensity and softness. It seemed as if the powerful work of Kundalini Yoga, with all its energy and breath, did not go together with the subtle, fluid movement needed to keep the psoas supple. My mind was rigid, trapped in a black and white worldview. Just like my mind, my body was stiff, fragile and shortened.

When I started allowing both sides of this spectrum to work together, space and relaxation opened up.

The black and white thinking – that all or nothing feeling, always in extremes – was reflected in my body. My psoas held tension in a way that literally limited my movement, both physically and emotionally. I learned that, just like my mind, my body did not have to compromise between intensity and softness. It needed both.

Slowly I learned to allow everything. Not only on my mat, but also in my life. I followed my own body, learned to listen to the tension and discovered that working with the psoas and rebirthing actually reinforce each other.


Psoas and Rebirthing: A Powerful Combination

When working with the psoas, you create space in your body. Tension that has been stuck for years begins to release. But what happens next? Emotions are released. After all, emotion is energy in motion, and when the psoas relaxes, that energy begins to flow. This is where rebirthing is such a powerful addition.

Rebirthing, a deep breathing technique from Kundalini Yoga, helps to really let go of emotions and patterns that stand in our way. The breath gives access to the subconscious, the place where old traumas, fears and emotions are buried. By breathing, literally deep in and out, you release and free those layers of tension and emotion.


Emotion ∞ Energy in Motion.
This summer in France during the European Yoga Festival I met a woman who showed me how powerful it is to be yourself to allow to start over.
For years she had not had the courage to do a rebirthing session. It was too intense, too confronting, too dogmatic. But on that day, in a safe space and a new approach, she dared. The tears flowed, of liberation and deep (re)cognition. A door that had been closed for a long time opened.
The tension she had held for years in her body, in her mind and in the psoas began to release.
Emotion ∞ Energy in Motion.
The breath gave her the space to feel what she had suppressed for so long. The feminine energy of the rebirthing touched deeply and did its work. It was a physical liberation, but above all an emotional healing and spiritual experience. I stood next to her, it touched me deeply, I felt the power of the moment.
It was a reminder of how we sometimes keep ourselves trapped in patterns of rigidity and fear. But the key is always WITHIN you.
In your breath, your body and the space we dare to create to let go.


Tips to Start Psoas Release Today

You may think that you have to do intense exercises to release the psoas right away, but it actually starts with something very simple: relaxation and awareness . Releasing the psoas requires gentleness and surrender. Here are some tips and exercises to get started today:

  1. Conscious Relaxation
    Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor, hip width apart. Place your hands loosely on your lower abdomen and breathe deeply and slowly in and out. Feel your abdomen gently rising with each inhalation and relaxing with each exhalation. This simple lying position helps you relax your pelvis and release tension in the psoas.

  2. Pay attention to your breathing
    Take a moment to notice how you breathe. Are you breathing deeply and fully, or short and shallow? If your breath is stuck in your chest, it is often a sign that your psoas is holding tension. Try to direct your breath to your lower abdomen, and breathe in and out slowly and consciously. The deeper the breath, the more relaxation in the psoas.

  3. Soft Movements
    Instead of heavy stretches, start with soft, fluid movements. Wrap your arms around yourself and rock yourself very gently back and forth. Feel. Shake yourself out like a dog, from head to tail. Feel. This helps the psoas to subtly release without forcing.

  4. Reflect on your Attitude in Life
    Just as the psoas affects your posture, your mental attitude is reflected in the psoas. Ask yourself: What am I holding on to in my life? What am I trying to control or escape from? By becoming aware of these patterns, you can begin to release both mental and physical tension.

  5. Support Back/Psoas with a Pillow and relax upper psoas
    Lie on your back with a pillow under each knee or a wide bolster under both knees. Let your knees fall slightly apart. This pose gently opens the hips and helps the psoas to relax without pressure. Then move your arms straight up and down to the floor past your ears or as far as you can. Don't force anything, but feel the movement throughout your body. Put your arms back and repeat a few times with gentle movements. This stretches the upper part of the psoas. Stay here for a few minutes and breathe calmly.

If you feel your body holding tension, try starting these exercises today. Let your breath and mindful movement support you toward deep relaxation and healing.


Would you like to experience for yourself what psoas release and Kundalini Yoga Rebirthing can do for you?

Look here for upcoming online and in-person events, where we work together deeply on relaxation, healing and transformation. Or book a 1-on-1 coaching session for personal guidance on your path to emotional and physical freedom.

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