psoas release blog en oefeningen

Let Go: How Psoas Work and Kundalini Rebirthing Can Free You from Rigidity

Rigidity is not only in your mind, but also in your body.

Rigidity often manifests itself in the psoas – that deep-seated 'Muscle of the Soul' where we store a lot of conscious and unconscious tension and emotions.

For years this tension was incomprehensible to me, but palpable. The pain in my body and my busy, full head. It took years before I made the connection.

The subtle, fluid movement that the psoas requires felt like a huge contrast to the power of Kundalini Yoga and rebirthing.

I thought I had to choose between the intense work of Kundalini Yoga and the gentleness needed to keep the psoas supple and strong.

But when, out of (almost) desperation, I started to "practice" both... that's when I felt it: the rigidity in my thinking, the black or white mode, was reflected in my body.

My psoas was stiff, brittle and shortened.

My thinking black and white. This or that. Yes or no.

Kundalini or psoas.

But what if I changed OR to AND?

That became my practice for many years.

Slowly I learned to allow everything on my mat.

I followed my own body and discovered that working with the psoas and rebirthing actually reinforce each other.

By first releasing tension in the psoas, you create space for emotions to flow freely.

Emotion is energy in motion.

This space makes the REBIRTHING experience so much more powerful.

For many people, this work, connecting the psoas with rebirthing, has opened doors that seemed closed for a long time.

Impressive were the tears of a participant in my Psoas & rebirthing workshop this summer in France;

After years she gathered the courage to experience a rebirthing session again. The fresh, feminine approach touched her deeply and opened an authentic path to healing.


On October 31st I will organize this workshop as a retreat day at Golden Link in Amsterdam.

We work from a feminine perspective, with attention to releasing tension in the psoas, so that your emotions and energy can flow freely again.

Kundalini Yoga and rebirthing form the basis, where we work from the power of surrender and deep receptivity, with psoas.

Welcome, beautiful person.

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