Psoas release en Kundalini Yoga Rebirthing

The Synergy of Psoas Release and Kundalini Yoga Rebirthing

What Makes Kundalini Yoga Rebirthing So Powerful?

Kundalini Yoga Rebirthing is a deeply transformative technique that uses powerful breathing exercises and kriyas to break old patterns and stored emotions. Breath and movement are central to rebirthing as it provides access to the subconscious mind where many of our unresolved experiences and traumas are stored.

Rebirthing invites you to breathe through, even when things get uncomfortable. It is in these moments of discomfort that we often connect with the deepest layers of ourselves – the layers where we have suppressed fear, sadness, anger and pain. Through this breathing technique, these emotions can come to the surface and be released, leading to a deep sense of liberation and renewal.


Why Does Psoas Release Work So Well With Kundalini Yoga Rebirthing?

Psoas release works as a preparation for rebirthing, because it helps your body to release tension and create a sense of safety. When psoas is tense, your breath is stuck in your upper body and it is difficult to breathe deeply and fully. This means that the (emotional) energy that is stuck in the psoas remains blocked.

By working with psoas release first, you give your body space to release old tensions and patterns, making it easier to breathe deeply and fully during the rebirthing session. This psoas relaxation allows the breath to flow throughout your body, allowing you to access deeper levels of emotion and healing.

The combination works as follows:

  1. Creating Physical Space – Psoas release makes the body physically freer and more relaxed, allowing energy to flow better during rebirthing.

  2. Building Emotional Safety – When the psoas relaxes, the body feels safer. This safety is crucial for breathing deeply and releasing suppressed emotions during rebirthing.

  3. Restore Body-Mind Connection – As the psoas releases, the connection between the physical and energetic bodies is restored. Rebirthing strengthens this connection by using the breath as a bridge to release both physical and emotional blockages.


How Does Rebirthing Help Release Tension in the Psoas?

Rebirthing works by consciously activating the breath, which stimulates the nervous system to release deeply stored tensions in the body. When the psoas is tense, the breath often remains high in the chest, which means that the deeper emotions in the psoas are not fully reached.

With rebirthing, the breath is directed to the lower part of the body, which causes the energy to flow and the tension in the psoas to dissolve. This is a very subtle process, but the impact is great. People often feel after a rebirthing session that their whole body feels lighter and more relaxed, and that they have released emotions that have been stuck for years.

I remember a woman in one of my workshops who had struggled with anxiety for a long time. She always felt like she couldn’t breathe deeply enough, like something in her body was holding her back. During the psoas release exercises, she was able to breathe deeper than she had ever breathed before, without any effort. And when we moved into rebirthing, she felt the anxiety that she had stored in her psoas for years slowly begin to release. Her breath became freer and her body relaxed. She shared after the session that it felt like a heavy burden had been lifted off her.


The Synergy of Psoas Release and Kundalini Yoga Rebirthing

Combining psoas release with Kundalini Rebirthing creates a powerful synergy. The body is physically prepared for the deep breathing work that rebirthing requires, while the emotional and energetic layers that are stuck in the psoas are addressed and released. This combination creates not only physical relaxation, but also a deeper connection to your inner power and emotional freedom.

Would you like to experience for yourself what psoas release and Kundalini Yoga Rebirthing can do for you?

Look here for upcoming online and in-person events, where we work together deeply on relaxation, healing and transformation. Or book a 1-on-1 coaching session for personal guidance on your path to emotional and physical freedom.

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