Keep Up Message - Singing in the morning, that too

I once had lessons from a Naad Yoga teacher.

He advised me to chant early in the morning. At sunrise. For balance in Muladhara chakra.

I had small children, my own company. Do-it-yourself house. So I wasn't jumping for joy... ("That too")

He said briefly that I had no problems outside of myself, but a deep imbalance within myself.

That I was a good person, with endless potential and creativity… but that there was work to be done.

He had seen it correctly.

Because, unrest, unrest.

No control over my life.

Old patterns that I couldn't break free from.

Fear of even more chaos.

Fear of financial insecurity, doubts about my job, my relationships.

And so back to that same unrest.

Although on the outside everything seemed okay, everything seemed chaotic, no solid ground under my feet.

I was always in survival mode, fighting to get through the day without really making any progress.

Happy when I was in bed.

And disappointed in myself that another day had passed without any progress.


Muladhara chakra, the first chakra, not only influences your survival instinct, but also the way you look at yourself and how you approach life.

I felt unstable because I was not connected to my own core. My Sat Nam.

I lived according to what others expected of me.

Tried so hard to be content (yes, really) and happy, like it was something I could do .

Not so strange of course because we live in a world where everything is possible; with a pill against the pain you can get back on track.

After my little chat with the seam guru I started to find that connection step by step. Not (only) by singing in the morning. But that does help.

Each exercise brought me closer to the ground, to the reality in ME and to trust in myself.

It was not a quick transformation, but a process of patiently learning to trust my own strength and intuition again.

Man, man, that intuition often seemed far away. How then.. know what you want and act from there?

Gradually I became more at peace, but I also began to dream again, make plans and live my life from a place of personal security rather than fear.

Personal Security yes, because don't forget that my security may look very different from yours.

I went from surviving to actually living .

Do you recognize yourself in this?

Then know that it is possible to let go of that unrest and find stability. It takes courage, patience and a deep connection with yourself.

But the journey is worth it because you have a choice.

living from fear.

or living from trust, safety and who you really are.

Your root chakra Muldhara is the foundation of everything. When you balance it, everything else starts to move along.

Stand firm in your shoes. Life is waiting for you.


Read more about first chakra in Kundalini Yoga

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