Yoga Nidra ontspanningsmeditatie - Salland Yoga, Meditatie en Coaching in Nieuwleusen

What is Yoga Nidra relaxation meditation

Yoga Nidra is a relaxation meditation that you can do lying on your back. Yes, really! But what is this Yoga of sleep?

Yoga Nidra is a powerful technique that teaches you to consciously relax. In Yoga Nidra, sleep is not considered relaxation. You may feel relaxed when you flop down in an easy chair with a cup of coffee, a drink or a cigarette, read a newspaper or turn on the television. Unfortunately, this is not relaxation. It is only sensory distraction, your brain remains in the “on” position. True relaxation is an experience that goes much further than all of this. For absolute relaxation, you must remain conscious; in other words, relax with a clear mind. This is precisely Yoga Nidra, the state of dynamic sleep. 

Yoga Nidra is a systematic method to achieve complete relaxation on a physical, mental and emotional level.

“Yoga Nidra” is derived from 2 Sanskrit words, the ancient Indian language in which many mantras and yoga texts are written. 

Yoga means union, unification or one-pointedness of consciousness.

Nidra means sleep.

During the practice of Yoga Nidra it looks like you are sleeping but your consciousness is clear and awake and functions on a deeper level. That is why Yoga Nidra is often called psychic sleep or deep relaxation with inner consciousness. In this intermediate phase between sleeping and waking you easily and spontaneously make contact with the subconscious and unconscious dimensions of yourself. 

--> On September 1, 2021, the Yoga Nidra 40-day rest course starts <--

Through the dust clouds of your consciousness

Imagine how many impressions consciously and unconsciously come to you in a day. Or even during just one hour. Your brain and body always react, even when you think you are calm. All these impressions cause an incredible amount of brain activity. Underneath all this daily hustle and bustle there is a part of you that is calm and receptive, a part that is difficult to reach because of the dust clouds that the daily impressions, experiences and conditionings blow up. By doing Yoga Nidra the dust settles and the view becomes clear, you can then reach the deeper layers of your consciousness.

Why is that so important?

When you are completely relaxed, you are more receptive than when your consciousness is connected to your senses. When you withdraw your Mind a little and come into a state where you are not in deep sleep or fully awake, all the impressions that come into your Mind at that moment become powerful and stay there. Your Mind has different levels and dimensions. Some are like hard, dry earth. Other parts are like soft, fertile earth. The conscious part of your Mind is like hard ground because that is where the process of intellect and reason is working. The intellect is the process that analyses things. It accepts and rejects things. The deeper consciousness works differently; all the impressions that you plant there are accepted. It will grow, bear fruit and enrich your life.

During Yoga Nidra your Mind is between waking and sleeping, but it is neither. From a psychological perspective this is called the "hypnagogic" state. From a yogic perspective I prefer to call it the "Hypnayogic" state or condition. This is Yoga Nidra and in this state your Mind is unusually receptive. You can learn languages ​​and other techniques in this state. A suggestion in the form of a word or sentence given during this receptive state can support you in getting rid of unwanted patterns or habits. In fact, Yoga Nidra can be used to direct your ind, to teach it what you want. Through regular practice of Yoga Nidra you come into contact with intuition, which allows you to listen to it and act on it again. This is the source of creativity, of artistic inspiration. Well-known scientists, writers and artists used this intuitive state to create great works, solve problems and develop theories. In the stillness of your thoughts you detach yourself from your emotions. With a silent Mind you connect with your own True Self, your pure and undivided consciousness which lies beneath your restless Mind.

Are you tired, stressed, always busy in your head and don't know how to get out of the mill of action and reaction? Do you recognize the need to return to the Source, to your nature, to reconnect with your own rhythm? There is a simple remedy for this:


Yoga Nidra helps you sleep better and deeper, is good for your concentration, gives more peace, creativity and energy and strengthens your immune system. In addition, yoga nidra helps against anxiety, depression, burnout, and even against high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases.

How to do Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is a rest meditation that you do lying on your back, side or sitting. You follow the voice of the yoga teacher that brings your attention from outside to inside. It is important to take the time to lie down properly because you remain still during Yoga Nidra. Place a pillow under your head, a blanket over you and you may find it pleasant to use an eye pillow. Make sure that you will not be disturbed. If you have children at home and therefore find it difficult to rest for Yoga Nidra, ask them to make a drawing for mom's resting place, on which it says that you may not be disturbed for a while. If they find that difficult, let them lie down quietly with you without disturbing you.

There are Yoga Nidra sessions for different purposes and with different lengths. Put your earphones in and lie down! That is mainly what Yoga Nidra is; a moment of rest and surrender, where you (preferably) stay awake and let "the magic" happen deep in your brain and subconscious.

Plan some extra time after your Yoga Nidra session to relax, to write or draw something. During the Relax and Renew Yoga Nidra course I invite you to delve deeper into the practice, through writing exercises and simple yoga exercises.

Don't be distracted by the word "Yoga" in Yoga Nidra, because you don't need to know complicated poses or wear tight leggings!

Yoga Nidra Rest Course

--> On September 1, 2021, the Yoga Nidra 40-day rest course starts <--

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