What is Sadhana
Sadhana, what does it mean and why should you do it?
Sadhana is a Sanskrit word and refers to daily spiritual practice. It is the daily practice of the yoga practitioner to transcend the ego and connect with a higher Self, a higher consciousness. Sadhana is a practice discipline in which you use asanas (yoga postures), pranayama (breathing technique), meditation and chanting.
From the Kundalini Yoga tradition we call the classical form of Sadhana the Aquarian Sadhana. This is a group meditation for the early morning. But actually Sadhana is more than that - it is everything you do with awareness, discipline and the intention for spiritual growth. You do it for yourself and it does not have to be physical effort because chanting mantras or studying (Vedic) scriptures is also a way to do Sadhana.
How long does a Sadhana last?
The duration of your personal Sadhana can be very short, for example 11 minutes or 31 minutes to 2.5 hours. There is no right or wrong in this, you do what suits you, at this moment. The discipline to do this every day is more important than the duration of your Sadhana. It is also not something to shout from the rooftops, you are trying to transcend your ego and you do this exclusively for yourself. If you need tips or advice, or just want to share your experience, look for like-minded people in a yoga class, in an online group.
Do you want to do a personal Sadhana but don't know where and how to start? Then choose for example 11 days for Kirtan Kriya, an accessible meditation that supports you in change processes. Or book an online session with me, I will gladly help you on your way.
Sadhana is the daily practice of yoga and meditation. It forms the basis of your spiritual development. Sadhana is best done early in the morning, because the effect is strongest in the 2.5 hours before sunrise. These hours are therefore also called the 'nectar hours' (ambrosial hours or Amrit Vela).
But why get up so early?
Well, that was the question I asked myself when I went to my first Aquarian Sadhana. It was during the Kundalini Yoga Festival in 2015. The warm up started at 4:00. Say What?
I slept with my family in my tent. In the middle of the night I woke up from a distant music, I thought I was dreaming..a flute, a guitar..a voice? It came closer and closer and when I could understand the text I understood that this was my alarm clock! So I could get up in the middle of the night!
It sounded beautiful, sweet and "soothing" so I woke my husband and youngest child, quickly wrapped a turban around my head and put on my warmest white clothes. With a big bag full of blankets, tea mugs and a tarpaulin we lugged to the big area near the stage. It was dark, cold and wet, but from my heart, from my whole being I was warmed, from within. I could see my breath in clouds while I did the fire breath and sang the mantras. The live music and the pastel colors of the morning light. It was so quiet, everyone with themselves and yet we were hundreds of people together and I felt deeply connected, with myself, my Soul, and the universe/God.
In the meantime my child had fallen fast asleep. After chanting the mantras I carefully stretched my legs and walked to the Yogi Tea stand. It was still peaceful and quiet and as the sun rose and slowly warmed me up I was the happiest person on earth.
But okay...why so early?
The time in the early morning, 2.5 hours before sunrise, the "Ambrosial hours", loosely translated means the "nectar hours". It is the ideal time to meditate on the greater whole, on the universe, the One, the cosmos or God. The world is still very quiet then. When you are in meditation and in contemplation with God, you are able to taste the nectar, the sweetness, of your divine relationship and take this as nourishment. It is a very special, quiet and personal time to connect with the universe, to clean up your subconscious. Once the world starts its busy, noisy day, this is much more difficult.
In her book, Original Light, the Morning Practice of Kundalini Yoga, Snatam Kaur explains, "The subconscious mind acts as a storage place for all the feelings, emotions and impressions that we have not yet consciously healed or processed. If we do not purify our subconscious mind, it can take over our lives. Instead of living from our inner truth, we act out of inner burdens and wounds or traumas from the past."
I understand this, feel this, as a yoga practitioner. But as a mother, entrepreneur, in the middle of society I still find it difficult to get up SO early. Can someone call me before I snooze my alarm?
Want to read more about Amrit Vela and morning rituals from other spiritual movements and religions? Read more on Aruna Ladvan's blog - it's time to meditate.
Aquarian Sadhana Zwolle
The Aquarian Sadhana is the early morning ritual of the Kundalini Yogis. It always lasts 2.5 hours and looks like this:
- 5:30 – 6:00 am: Reciting Japji Sahib (meditation of the Soul)
- 6:00 – 6:50 am: Kundalini Yoga Kriya (series of exercises)
- 6:50 – 7:00 am: Deep relaxation
- 7:00 – 8:00 am: Aquarian Sadhana mantra meditations
- 8:00 – 8:30 am: Closing and Yogi tea followed by potluck breakfast
I regularly organize Aquarian Sadhana in Zwolle. Everyone is welcome! Usually this is a morning ritual before a yoga retreat day or workshop. Send an email to annemieke@salland.yoga if you want to stay informed.
For the next Aquarian Sadhana in Zwolle, click here.
Are you a certified teacher yourself and would you like to lead (part of) the Sadhana? Let me know.
Group consciousness
Doing Aquarian Sadhana together is very nice. Practicing in a group is also easier and the effect is stronger. Practicing together creates more connection and develops group consciousness. Group consciousness forms the bridge to universal consciousness.
- Before and during the Aquarian Sadhana you stay with yourself as much as possible.
- Feel free to use a meditation cushion, bench or chair to sit on.
- During the Aquarian Sadhana less is explained than in a regular class. This is an invitation to turn inward.
- Wear comfortable clothing, preferably made of natural materials and cover your head, for example with a scarf. You can choose to wear white.
- The texts of the mantras are present
- The texts of the Japji Sahib can be found here in PDF and here as an app for Android and iPhone.
- Extra blanket to stay warm
- Optional: a drinking bottle with water or tea and reading glasses