Holidays over.. time for yoga!
Last week, while I was musing under the warm Spanish sun about how I would tackle the challenges of life as a mother, yogi, student and entrepreneur in the coming months, I sent out a newsletter . The very first mailing for Salland Yoga! Simple, right, you might think, because nowadays you have an app for everything (Mailchimp), spell checker and free images (Burst). But that's not how it works, right? Because an app doesn't tell my story, and a freebie photo doesn't show where you can come and do yoga.
Yoga is a personal path, a unique experience. Without performance and with feeling. And that is why it is so important that we match. You and me. That is why you will not find free images of tight legs in plastic yoga leggings or slick marketing texts here. What will you find? An open and honest story about what yoga means to me, and what it can mean to you. A definition of yoga is therefore:
"Yoga includes all the techniques with which you can experience yourself in your true being, your real self. There are both physical and mental exercises."
Experiencing your true self. Phew. That's quite something in this world of ambition, haste and achievement. But what if you turn it around? Then you come to the question why shouldn't we experience ourselves, pure and real as we are? By doing yoga you crawl, you nibble, you pick at all the layers that you have built up in your life, that prevent you from being your true self. A long road? Yes indeed. A beautiful road? Of course! It's YOUR road! How long did it take you to learn to walk, to talk, to ride a bike? And .. did you have fun while learning it?
A quote from Yogi Bajhan: You know how to drive a car, but you do not know how to drive your life!
#daretoask: What would YOU like to read about yoga, about me, about Salland Yoga? Then I can write about it on this blog, and I will consider adding a photo in leggings sometime. Of me, of course, the real one :)
Read or subscribe to the newsletter.