Immune system and nutrition
NUTRITION TIPS to boost your immune system and combat chronic inflammation.
Read below about what you can do with food to strengthen your immune system, what (chronic) inflammation is exactly. Nutritional tips to strengthen your immune system and counteract chronic inflammation.
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What exactly is an inflammation?
You have probably had a wound somewhere that did not heal properly & became infected; a visible inflammation. Your immune system will try to expel the intruder and try to repair the damaged cells. An inflammation is therefore a protective reaction of the body.
In visible inflammations with external intruders, such as a cut or graze, you can monitor the process and intervene where necessary. Your immune system will continue to work until the intruder has been expelled. It works the same in your body; for example, in the case of flu, acute pneumonia or bladder infection, but also tennis elbow or insect bite, your body will resolve this itself in 3-7 days.
The situation is different if you cannot see the inflammation, you cannot locate it or it becomes chronic instead of temporary. We call this chronic, silent or low-grade inflammation and unfortunately they occur in more and more people. The inflammation has been there for too long and the immune system has not been able to resolve it. Not even with the help of antibiotics, for example. If inflammation is present for more than 42 days, it is called chronic . Think of e.g. spastic colon, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a frozen shoulder, Lyme, hay fever, asthma or Alzheimer's.
In chronic inflammatory diseases, the immune system is often constantly a little active without this being easy to demonstrate with blood tests. Your immune system inactivates other systems in the body in order to remain active itself for longer.
If you have a constantly active immune system, more and more bodily functions are undermined by the lack of energy. You get tired, your muscle mass decreases, you gain or lose weight, you get negative thoughts , you don't feel like exercising anymore or you become hyperactive, you can't find your peace anymore, your digestion doesn't always work so well anymore, you get some hair loss, you sleep less well, you get irritated quickly, your hormonal balance is out of balance, pregnancy doesn't work, etc.
Your immune system can also ultimately become less active or even hyperactive.
When the immune system becomes less active, it lacks the energy to do anything. You will then quickly suffer from infections and these often last a long time.
If the immune system becomes hyperactive, it can become so active that it also starts attacking the body's own cells. This is called an autoimmune disease. Examples include rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto's disease and Graves' disease (thyroid gland), Sjögren's disease (fluid-secreting glands) and ulcerative colitis (intestines).
Chronic inflammation, the basis of many diseases
You now know that acute inflammation is not a problem; the body is healing itself.
However, chronic inflammation is not healing for our body but rather destructive . Ultimately, chronic inflammation leads to damage to cells and tissues and to an exhausted immune system which can lead to an autoimmune disease in which the immune system
More and more people live, consciously or unconsciously, with chronic inflammation. In the Netherlands there are approximately 2 million people with a form of joint inflammation. Many women suffer from osteoarthritis which, according to the latest insights, is not a matter of wear and tear but of inflammation.
Chronic inflammation plays a major role in cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, obesity, insulin resistance, fibromyalgia, depression, osteoporosis, rheumatism, many skin problems, chronic fatigue and even cancer.
And then there are the unexplained complaints of fatigue and pain.
Poor nutrition can lead to chronic inflammation
In an inflammation your body tries to keep you healthy. Your immune system responds by causing an inflammation. More than 70% of your immune system cells are located on the inside of your digestive tract; mainly in your intestinal flora. That seems logical: this is the area that comes into contact with the "outside world", namely your food. So food plays an important role in strengthening and entertaining your immune system.
A good way to prevent inflammation is to avoid foods that can fuel chronic inflammation and to eat plenty of foods that can heal chronic inflammation.
The choice is yours;
Do you add fuel to the fire (fries, mac n cheese) or do you put out the fire (with an apple)?
All the harmful effects of food are amplified by fear.
Fear has a direct effect on your intestines.
All positive effects are enhanced by seeing and experiencing yourself in a healthy, relaxed, creative state.
Foods That Fuel Inflammation
There are many foods that can fuel the fire of inflammation. I will list the most important ones here:
Top Triggers for Autoimmune Diseases; (Inflammatory Foods)
- Gluten
- Dairy
- Soy
- Corn (depends on the person)
- Proteins
- Legumes and grains may have anti-inflammatory effects in some people - Refined carbohydrates: bread and pastries
- Fried foods
- Red meat
- Alcohol
- All sugars and artificial sugars
- Margarine
Anti-inflammatory / anti-inflammatory foods
- Tomatoes (combined with ginger)
- Olive oil
- Green leafy vegetables
- Broccoli
- Carrots
- Beans
- Sweet potatoes
- Nuts (especially almonds & walnuts)
- Avocados
- Fatty fish: salmon, tuna
- Sardines, mackerel
- Fruits: berries, oranges, lemons
- Turmeric
- Sunbeams, fresh air
- Ginger
- Spirulina
- Fiber-rich foods
- Flaxseed, preferably freshly ground (in a coffee bean grinder)
- foods high in antioxidants such as spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, basil, oregano, marjoram.