The influence of Full Moon
Do you feel a greater need for rest and connection with yourself around the full moon?
Are you looking forward to a moment of relaxation and do you want to increase your inner strength and intuition? Experience what Kundalini Yoga & Meditation can do for you.
The moon... is probably one of the first celestial objects you learned to recognize. The light of the moon is considered special because it has the power to illuminate the darkest corners of the night. I find it no wonder that cultures around the world revere the moon as sacred and magical.
The moon plays an important role in the Earth's tides, and its phases helped ancient people keep track of the passing months and seasons. There are also many myths and legends about the moon's power.
When you consciously expose yourself to moonlight you may experience feelings of awe and calmness and a greater sense of connectedness to the universe.

The rhythm of the moon the connection with your body
The moon and its rhythm have a great influence on our lives. Every time there is a full moon, the sun and the moon are opposite each other. At that moment, the earth is right in between and has no obstruction to the sun's energy on earth. It is such a powerful moment because we receive the reflection of moon and sun energy at the same time. The moon influences the ebb and flow of the oceans and seas.
We humans consist of 70% water and fluids. During the full moon you would do well to connect with the water in yourself. By directing your attention inward, processes in your body can unfold easily.
Let light shine in the darkness
We tend to keep habits and patterns that rule our lives in the dark, but when we shine a light on them, they become clear, visible and identifiable. Just like the full moon. This is the moment when you can experience transformation from within. Old and stubborn patterns start to change. When blocked energy can flow freely again, you start to deepen the connection with your heart and your authentic qualities.
How does yoga and meditation work during a full moon?
In Kundalini Yoga and Meditation you alternate dynamic and physically challenging yoga exercises with meditations and short rests. The breath always has a central place. In addition to powerful breathing techniques, we work with mudras, special positions for the arms and hands. We use mantras in the yoga exercises and meditations. The sound of these mantras has a deep healing effect on body and mind.
Plan your self-care
Everything we took for granted has been turned upside down in recent years, clearly showing us that.. “The Times Are Changin”… indeed.. the only certainty we can count on is that we must be at peace with change and be proactive in the changes we WANT to see.
In the coming new year, I resolve to consciously prioritize and schedule self-care to nourish and honor my body-temple, my emotions, and my humanity.
I have found that one of the most effective and nourishing ways to tune into my own body and frequency is through Kundalini Yoga and Yoga Nidra. I have also found that through the nature of this nourishing practice, there is an opportunity to have a healing dialogue with the subtle body (Soul) through words, breath, sound and attunement.
It gives me great joy to come together and share these rituals with you ✨
Full Moon. A conscious and powerful moment of the month to come together and meditate. This online evening workshop starts with a short lecture on the theme of the month, followed by a special yoga class and meditation led by Annemieke Jagat Prem.
Tip: Make it a deepening and powerful gathering and invite your girlfriends to do this ritual together!