Awaken Your Ten Bodies: Holistic Concept from Kundalini Yoga

Awakening to Your Ten Bodies: A Journey to Balance and Consciousness

We often think that we have only one body and identify ourselves completely with our physical body. But in Kundalini Yoga we learn that we actually have ten bodies: one physical body, three mental (thinking) bodies and six energetic bodies. Each body plays an important role in how we experience our lives. If one of these bodies is out of balance, a distortion of that quality becomes visible.

In Hatha Yoga there is a similar concept, the five koshas, ​​also known as the "sheaths or layers of your Being", with each sheath bringing you closer to your true self. The idea is that by looking at yourself in layers, you can get a more complete picture of who you are.


The Kriya for the Ten Bodies

In the class "Awakening to Your Ten Bodies" we work with specific Kundalini Yoga asanas and meditations to strengthen and rebalance your ten bodies. This helps you to access your full potential and at the same time work on your physical and energetic health. Often illness begins in the energetic bodies, before it manifests in the physical body. By getting to know your different bodies, you can take better care of yourself and restore balance when needed. [view exercises here ]

Each of the ten bodies represents an essential aspect of your growth process in life. Yogic numerology offers valuable insights to help you in that growth. Your date of birth contains a unique code that provides insight into your strengths and challenges, and which of the ten bodies needs extra attention to better attune you to your Higher Self.

Want to know more? Click here to calculate your numerological code and receive personal advice for a personal kundalini yoga kriya or meditation.


The Ten Bodies in Kundalini Yoga

Let's dig deeper into these ten bodies and discover how they work together to help you move toward a sense of wholeness and balance.

1. Soul Body

This is the first and most important, essential body. It represents your true, spiritual essence. The Soul Body is your deepest self, the part of you that is beyond your thoughts, emotions, and physical appearance. When your Soul Body is strong, you feel a deep connection to your spiritual core. You feel that your life has meaning and you are able to make intuitive decisions with confidence.

How do you know when your Soul Body is in balance?
You feel inner direction and joy even in difficult situations. When this body is weak, you may feel lost or aimless.

2. Negative Mind (Negative Mind)

The Negative Mind is there to protect you. It assesses situations and warns you of possible danger. This body is there for your safety, because it helps you to set clear boundaries and protect yourself from negative influences. In balance, the Negative Mind ensures that you do not make hasty decisions.

How do you know when your Negative Mind is in balance?
You can clearly distinguish between what is good for you and what is not, without fear. When this body is out of balance, you can be pessimistic or fearful.

3. Positive Mind

The Positive Mind sees possibilities and opportunities. This body helps you see the good in yourself and in the world around you. When the Positive Mind is strong, you are optimistic and confident. You have a natural tendency to see challenges as opportunities and you are attracted to positive relationships and situations.

How do you know when your Positive Mind is in balance?
You feel confident and see opportunities everywhere. When this body is weak, you may have trouble staying positive and see obstacles instead of opportunities.

4. Neutral Mind (Neutral Mind)

The Neutral Mind is perhaps the most important of the three mental bodies. This body takes in both the positive and negative Mind and makes decisions from a place of calm and balance. The Neutral Mind gives you the ability to view situations without judgment and act from a higher wisdom.

How do you know when your Neutral Mind is in balance?
You can make difficult choices with a certain serenity and are open to new perspectives. When this body is weak, you can feel overwhelmed by conflicting thoughts or emotions.

5. Physical Body

This is the most tangible body and our vehicle to move through the world. The Physical Body is where you store all experiences – both physical and emotional. A strong Physical Body brings you into balance with the other nine bodies and gives you the energy to live life to the fullest.

How do you know when your Physical Body is in balance?
You feel strong, energetic, and healthy. When this body is weak, you may feel physically tired or ill, and there is often a disconnect between body and Mind.

6. Arc Line

The Arc Line is your energetic "protection shield." This invisible field runs from ear to ear across your forehead (and for women, from nipple to nipple). It helps you determine what is safe and what energies you want to allow into your life. When your Arc Line is strong, you naturally radiate authority and confidence, and you radiate that to others.

How do you know if your Arc Line is in balance?
You can protect yourself from negative influences and radiate clarity. When this body is weak, you feel vulnerable or energetically 'drained' by others.

7. Aura Body (Auric Body)

Your Auric Body is your electromagnetic field that surrounds your physical body. This field helps you process energy from outside and gives you a sense of protection. A strong Auric Body attracts positive energy and people, while repelling negative influences.

How do you know when your Auric Body is in balance?
You feel grounded, protected, and your energy is magnetic. When this body is weak, you may feel vulnerable or uncomfortable around others.

8. Pranic Body

The Pranic Body is the energy that flows through your breath – Prana, the life force energy that keeps you… alive. A strong Pranic Body gives you vitality, strength, and the ability to face challenges with resilience. This body is intimately connected to your breath and gives you the power to heal and renew.

How do you know when your Pranic Body is in balance?
You feel energetic and have a strong immune system. When this body is weak, you can feel exhausted and be susceptible to illness.

9. Subtle Body

The Subtle Body gives you the ability to develop deep intuition and wisdom. This body helps you to see beyond the surface of life and understand the subtle energies that move the world around us. A strong Subtle Body makes you sensitive to the finer nuances of life.

How do you know when your Subtle Body is in balance?
You have deep intuition and can see through situations without judgment. When this body is weak, you may feel disconnected or confused about the greater meaning of your life.

10. Radiant Body

The Radiant Body is your inner light that you radiate outwardly. When this body is strong, you are courageous and fearless. You have a natural radiance that inspires and attracts others. The Radiant Body gives you a sense of grandeur and self-confidence.

How do you know that your Radiant Body is in balance?
You radiate confidence and joy, and people are drawn to your presence. When this body is weak, you may feel insecure or reserved.


Yogi Bhajan on the Ten Bodies:

“You are a total combination of ten bodies. You have a Spiritual Body, you have three Mental Bodies (Negative, Positive, and Neutral); then you have this Physical Body, the Arc Body (which you call “halo”); and you have the simple Auric Body and a Subtle Body, Pranic Body, and a Radiant Body. These ten bodies are interlocked, but two are free to leave."

“Whenever the soul desires to leave the Physical Body, the Arc Body and all the other bodies remain behind because they have no combination. The Physical Body's pranic connection with the Pranic Body totally breaks, and the Soul leaves with the Subtle Body. That means, your identity is gone. (Your physical body remains, but “you” are gone. We call it death.)

“But do you understand what that indicates? If, in subtlety you become very refined, and in activity you become very subtle, very subtle, you are very near to your Soul. The Spirit and the Subtle body are very much related. There's a direct relationship between the Subtle body and the Spiritual body. They never leave each other. So, anything you do which is refined—refined art, refined acts, refined speech, anything which is not gross—will put you closer to the Soul. That's rather a simple way of reaching your God-consciousness.”


Balancing the Ten Bodies

Kundalini Yoga works on all ten bodies simultaneously with specific kriyas. With regular practice, you can work on strengthening and balancing these ten bodies every day.

If you find that one of your bodies is out of balance, you can do specific exercises and meditations to strengthen that body. This kriya, which activates all ten bodies, is a powerful way to bring balance to every dimension of yourself.

Want to experience this kriya yourself? Follow our classes and practice for 40 days to activate and balance your ten bodies! Click here for the class .

Be open to exploring your ten bodies – you will be amazed at the power you can find by creating this balance.

Have you done this kriya? Maybe 11 days? Or 40? Share your experience below!

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