Kundalini Yoga voor eerste chakra, gronden en aarden in Muladhara chakra

Grounding and Landing with the First Chakra: How Kundalini Yoga Brings You Stability

Sat Nam! Do you sometimes feel like you are floating, like you are not standing firmly in your shoes or have trouble feeling safe in your body or your daily life? Then it is time to connect with your first chakra, also called Muladhara . This chakra is the basis of your energy and plays an important role in how stable and grounded you feel.

In this blog post you will learn more about the first chakra, the themes associated with it, how to restore balance, and which exercises can help you with this.

What is First Chakra?

Muladhara chakra is located at the base of your spine, between the anus and the genitals. In women, it is located a little further in, at the cervix. It is connected to everything that has to do with survival and self-acceptance . Think of your basic needs such as safety, stability and your physical body.

  • Body parts : Bones, legs, feet, anus, large intestine, immune system
  • Color : Red
  • Element : Earth
  • Topics : Being grounded, stability, habits, self-acceptance
  • Challenges : Fear, insecurity, difficulty letting go, uncertainty

My Experience with Muladhara

There was a time when I felt constantly rushed, like I could never really relax. Everything around me felt like a threat and I had trouble letting things go. It wasn’t until I started consciously working with my first chakra that I started to feel safer, more connected to my body and my environment and I was also able to relax better.

When I walk on the beach now my footprint is really bigger, deeper. I dare to trust more in the connection with the earth.

Through simple exercises like stamping and all forms of yoga I restored the balance in Muladhara chakra, and my feelings of fear and anxiety slowly disappeared. I could stand firmer in life, and in my "shoes".

Imbalance in the First Chakra: What Does It Feel Like?

When your first chakra is out of balance, you may experience a number of symptoms that affect your sense of security and stability. Do you recognize any of the following?

  • Difficulty letting go : Possessiveness, greed, constipation
  • Fear : Of lack, of separation from others
  • Insecurity or depression : You feel disconnected from your physical reality and the people around you
  • Rigid Beliefs : Fear makes you stick to strict ideas or habits

But when you work on restoring balance, you will find that you:

  • Becomes calmer
  • Have more patience
  • Are generous and loyal
  • Feel more valued and supported

Exercises to Ground and Restore Balance

Fortunately, there are many simple techniques that can help you balance your first chakra and strengthen your sense of grounding. Here are some of the most effective ways to connect with your Muladhara:

Physical exercises:

  • Stomping : Feel the ground beneath your feet, give your body weight.
  • Jumping and kicking : This helps you release stuck energy.
  • Walking : Conscious walks in nature, feel the connection with the earth.

Yoga poses:

  • Crow Pose : Strengthens the legs and the sense of stability.
  • Chair Pose : Strengthens your lower chakras and activates your legs.
  • Body Drops : Let the energy flow through your legs and connect you to the ground.
  • Frog Pose : Aids in elimination and stimulates the first chakra.

Other methods:

  • Rest and sleep : Essential to restore and ground the body.
  • Foot massage : Activates the energy in your feet and connects you with the earth.
  • Food : Nourish yourself, but avoid overeating, as this can increase your disconnect with your body.

Meditation and Mantra for the First Chakra

In addition to physical exercises, you can strengthen your first chakra with meditation and mantras. A powerful mantra for grounding is the Dharti Hai Mantra . This mantra connects you to the earth and helps you manifest your prayers. Listen to performances of this mantra on Spotify to connect yourself more deeply with the element of earth.

As Yogi Bhajan said, “You want your prayers to be effective. You want your ultimate destiny to manifest.”

2 Kriyas for First Chakra:

In the Kundalini Yoga First Chakra class, we begin with a kriya for the large intestine , with standing exercises and specifically targeting the first chakra. This kriya helps to release excess energy and cleanses your system. By practicing this kriya regularly, you can strengthen your connection to your first chakra and improve your physical well-being. Then we do some seated exercises for the first chakra and the heart center from the kriya Disease Resistance and Heart Helper .

Restore Your Balance

When you reconnect with your first chakra, you will find yourself feeling calmer, more patient, and more confident. You will feel supported by the earth and will be better able to deal with the challenges in your life. This chakra is the foundation of everything, and when it is balanced, you can live from stability and strength.

Try the exercises and techniques we've discussed here and see how they help you feel grounded. It's a simple yet powerful path to a more stable and confident version of yourself.

Learn More via My Online Platform

Do you want to work deeper on balancing your first chakra and feel grounded in your daily life? Through my online platform you can participate in live online classes where we cover the kriyas and meditation for the first chakra.

I also offer personal coaching , where we look together at specific techniques to balance your energy and strengthen your connection with yourself.

Whether you are just starting out or already have experience with Kundalini Yoga, you are welcome to continue your journey with the support of this powerful technology.

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