Kundalini Awakening en Yoga: Wat is het Verschil

Kundalini Awakening and Yoga: What's the Difference

Kundalini Energy: What is it and How to Activate it?

Kundalini energy is often described as a cosmic, primal energy that is present in every human being. She is referred to in various traditions as; the Goddess, the Divine Feminine or simply as chakra energy. Kundalini is best known in spiritual traditions from India, where she is symbolically depicted as a coiled serpent resting at the base of the spine, sleeping, until she awakens. This awakening leads to a heightened awareness and a deeper connection to the spiritual.

When Kundalini awakens, it travels up through the traditional seven main chakras. (In Kundalini Yoga, there are 8 chakras; the aura is the eighth chakra.) In a normal state, these chakras mainly function to keep our physical body in balance. But when Kundalini awakens, it brings with it a tremendous amount of energy that flows through these chakras, lifting your consciousness to a higher level.


Kundalini Awakening: What Happens?

During a Kundalini awakening, you will usually feel a surge of energy, often starting in the lower chakras and working its way up the spine. This energy can manifest as physical sensations such as warmth or tingling, but also as emotional and spiritual experiences. Some people describe feeling the energy literally moving through their body, while others experience powerful visions or insights.

But what do you do after such an awakening? This is a question I often hear. Many people get overwhelmed by the sudden increase in energy and do not know how to integrate this into their daily lives. It is important to understand that Kundalini awakening is only the beginning of a deep transformation process. Without the right guidance, it can be an overwhelming experience that can throw you off balance.


The Difference Between Kundalini Activation and Traditional Kundalini Yoga

Nowadays you hear a lot about Kundalini Activation Process (KAP) , and Kundalini awakening processes, forms of energetic activation where you surrender to the natural movement of energy, usually guided by a facilitator. The special thing about KAP is that it offers a spontaneous experience of energy movement, without the strict discipline of traditional yoga practices. The experience can be powerful and direct, with spontaneous movements, emotional releases and deep meditative states.

In contrast, traditional Kundalini Yoga offers a structured approach to awakening Kundalini energy. This form of yoga involves specific kriyas (actions), breathing techniques and mantras that prepare you step by step to safely and gradually awaken Kundalini energy. This path requires dedication and regular practice. It is a path that focuses on safely activating and balancing the energy, over time.


What do you choose?

While KAP can provide a direct experience of energy movements, Kundalini Yoga offers the tools to work with the energy in a safe way, so that it can be integrated into your life in a sustainable way. This means daily attention, sitting on your mat, breathing and becoming aware of your energy. Kundalini Yoga teaches you not only to activate the energy, but also how to direct, control and balance it.

Why is Guidance Important?

A Kundalini awakening can be intense. It brings deep changes, both physically and emotionally, and it requires guidance. It is important to learn how to channel the energy into the right channels, both in your body and in your daily activities, and to calm your nervous system, especially since Kundalini often flows through the sympathetic nervous system, which puts the body in a fight or flight state.

With regular practice of Kundalini Yoga, you not only activate the Kundalini, but you also learn how to strengthen the parasympathetic nervous system, which provides rest and recovery. This creates a balance between the 'hot' and 'cool' energy flows in the body, which is important for the safe integration of Kundalini energy.


Signs of a Kundalini Awakening

When Kundalini awakens, various physical, emotional and spiritual symptoms may occur:

  • Physical sensations : You may feel tingling, warmth, or energy flowing down the spine.
  • Emotional changes : Sudden swings in emotions, from joy to sadness, or the release of old traumas.
  • Spiritual experiences : A feeling of connectedness with everything around you, intuitive insights or deep meditation.
  • Physical symptoms : Changes in sleep patterns, headaches, or changes in appetite.


Your Journey: What Now?

Awakening Kundalini energy is a powerful yet delicate journey. It requires regular practice and conscious attention, something we no longer allow ourselves in this age of speed and information overload. But whether you choose a spontaneous Kundalini activation session or a more structured approach through traditional Kundalini Yoga, the most important thing is that you give yourself the time to integrate this energy into your life.

Want to know more about how Kundalini Yoga can support you in awakening this energy? Then come to my weekly classes or workshops. I am trained and experienced to guide you on this path, step by step, with attention and dedication.

As the eternal student and your partner on this path, I stand beside you. What will be your next step?

Online Yoga Classes (with links to weekly live classes)

Kundalini Yoga Coaching

- Annemieke Jagat Prem

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