Numerologie reading maart 2023

Numerology reading March 2023

March brings a fresh wind of inspiration, along with a new learning curve that tests our capacity to adapt to rapidly changing circumstances.

It is important that we do not let our emotions take over.

Three in the positive polarity is creative, social, fun-loving, caring, and has a “can do!” approach to life.

It is the positive Mind, which strives to bring out the good in everything.

However, when number 3 turns negative, it can be a storm in a teacup.

Reactive, angry and destructive are some of the outward expressions of a negative 3.

When the energy turns inward, it can be anxious, depressed , or even self-destructive.

In solutions to this problem, March is a time to be more conscious of the foods you eat.

Number 3 represents food, as well as its connection to what is popularly known as “ comfort food ”.

Maybe you should indulge in tempting sweets, pizza and other comfort foods this month.

Just make sure you balance it out the next day with some lemon water or dandelion tea, as both help refresh and release the liver.

Number 3 is creativity and it's your best chance to start some sort of creative project this month.

A spring garden, even if you only have a few feet of available soil, can give you a sense of power in your ability to manifest .

Anyone can grow herbs in a windowsill planter and there are even kits available online that deliver all the essentials to your door.

Chives, basil, mint, oregano and parsley are easy to grow and have powerful medicinal properties.

When number 8 manifests in the negative polarity, it can lead to greed and power games, especially when combined with the storm-in-a-teacup number 3!

There are four days this month that could have such a twist, so brace yourself for the 3rd , 12th , 21st and especially the 30th .

You can make miles of progress with people if you can just be there and offer simple supportive advice.

Something like, “Wow, that sounds really hard and I'm here for you. Just sit down for a moment and I'll make you a cup of tea.”

If you can then add something sweet, it literally shifts the balance of the elements and creates a calming effect.

You have the magic , just use it!

There are new levels of information available to us now and we need to be open-minded and flexible enough to use them.

Imagine yourself sitting at a table, doing a puzzle. You've finished about half of the puzzle when suddenly a strong gust of wind comes in and blows the other half of the puzzle pieces away.

Then there's a knock on the door and a special delivery box appears with the text " New Puzzle Pieces, Good Luck. " As you bring the new pieces to the table, you quickly realize that they don't really match the previous picture.

The size of the pieces are different and they don't fit together as well as they should.

Welcome to the New Age, for this is a different picture and process than before. Don't worry, for I have a magical "adapter" piece of the puzzle for you:

The Gutka Kriya , which uses the mantra:

Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad, Sat Gur Prasad Ek Ong Kar

will reverse the negative flow of the mind to positive.

Once you are in your positive, creative mindset, all the answers are already there and the Universe will help connect the pieces for you.

Use your mantra, get started and practice this for 11 minutes a day.

Looking at the Cool Number for this year 2023, 2 + 3 = 5, we look for inspiration to stay in shape.

Number 5 is the physical body and represents endurance on physical, mental and emotional levels.

This triangle of balance is essential to navigate the energetic shifts on planet Earth.

You can be physically strong as steel, but if you make a mental blunder, everything can be lost.

One of the best gifts you can give yourself this month is to watch season 32 of the reality series “Survivor.”

It's currently streaming on Netflix and it's an emotional rollercoaster of drama, physical challenges, mental endurance, and an ending no one saw coming.

One of the main reasons I recommend this particular series is because of the life lessons it contains that you need to know right now.

And ladies, believe me, there is a treasure trove of important messages for you in here.

Adaptability, determination and an intuitive easy flow of life are yours when you are aware of sacred geometry.

The triangle is considered one of the strongest structures and our own body can be renewed through the science of angles.

By practicing Triangle Pose for 3 minutes daily, with deep breathing, you set yourself on the path to restoring your sacred vitality.

We can successfully adapt in our lives if we maintain a balance between work, play and rest.

Nurturing yourself with positive treats and rewards is a way to inspire yourself through any difficult moments along the way.

Personally, I have a whole series of rotating rewards for myself.

This goes to the tune of, “Okay, this is a tough time, but you know you're leaving early on Friday and going to the sauna!”

Or, “Okay, this might be hard, but you know you have that delicious lasagna in the fridge, and it's going to make a delicious dinner!”

Tune into your positive Mind and find ways to love and be good to yourself.

Your strongest asset is to take control of the story and turn the tide in the present moment.

That being said:

“May the angels of good fortune protect the path before you and may the creativity of heaven bless you to find your strength and purpose in life.”


In my coaching and yoga classes I use the technique of Akara numerology, do you also want personal handles for the best version of yourself? Book a reading from 200 euros.

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