8 redenen om yoga te doen

8 Reasons to Do Yoga

Why you should try yoga.

What is yoga, and why is it so popular? Yoga is a series of stretches and postures that you perform with breathing techniques. It has many positive effects on your body. But there is more to it than that. Because yoga is not about performance, about who is the fastest or who can hold out the longest, anyone can do it, regardless of age or fitness level.

Myth: You can't be too stiff for yoga!

Yoga has been around for thousands of years. Long before our era it was developed as a method and way of life to unite your mind (I prefer to call it the Mind) and the body. There are many types of yoga. All yoga styles are aimed at finding and restoring the balance between body, mind and Soul, but the techniques used for this differ.

Some yoga styles are intense and powerful. My kundalini yoga classes are often experienced that way. Other classes are relaxing and meditative, such as yoga nidra .

Whatever form you choose, yoga is a great way to stretch your body, develop strength and focus, and quiet your mind.

The reason for starting yoga is very personal and different for everyone.

 You may be nervous about stepping onto your mat for the first time. Remember that yoga is not a real sport; you can’t win or lose or be the fastest or the best!


1. Increase your flexibility

Maybe this is the #1 reason why you want to do yoga. For many people it is the first step to start doing yoga. And that is great! By starting yoga now you will also discover that yoga is more than making your body flexible.

By consciously and regularly stretching your muscles, they become more flexible. Your body becomes more mobile and vital. The chance of injuries is also reduced.

2. Strength development: strengthens your muscles

Depending on the type of yoga you do, it helps to strengthen your muscles. Some poses you hold a bit longer or do more often in a row and this strengthens your muscles. A strong and flexible body is important to get the best out of yourself.

This may seem like a purely physical approach to yoga, but ask yourself... how strong are you in life when your body feels strong and powerful? Can you also take on more challenges in your daily life?

3. Improves your posture

Nowadays we sit a lot. And sitting a lot is not good for your posture. Yoga helps you to become more aware of your body (this is body awareness) and improve your posture with it, because you perform movements with full attention.


4. Lowers your blood pressure

Yoga can help to lower blood pressure because it is very relaxing. Exercises such as yoga Nidra, breathing techniques and meditation can help with this.

5. Yoga helps you relax

During the yoga class there are many relaxation exercises. These help you to experience less stress. You teach your body to switch between exertion and relaxation. Yoga Nidra is a form of yoga that is completely focused on deep relaxation. At the end of each yoga class there is a period of deep rest, during which the postures and meditations can work deeply into your body and mind.

6. Better breathing

During my yoga classes, there is a lot of attention for breathing. This is not the case with all forms of yoga. You learn the different qualities of your breathing, of which deep and slow breathing is the most important. By practicing this in the yoga class, you can also apply it more easily in your daily life. When you breathe in the right way, you can better connect with your feelings.

Your breath is directly connected to your thoughts and emotions. By learning to direct and control your breath, you can maintain control over your breath during moments of stress, tension and emotions.

7. Spiritual development

Another reason to do (more) yoga is the spiritual development you go through.

In yoga, you are not only working on a physical level. In the beginning of your yoga practice, you may be mainly concerned with posture and breathing, but much more happens (unconsciously). By regularly stepping onto your yoga mat, you also develop a sense of connection with a deeper layer of yourself, and of the greater whole that we are all part of.

You may notice it because in your daily life you dare to trust your intuition more and more. Your feeling. And that trust grows as you develop spiritually. Spiritual growth comes naturally to you if you are open to it. You can trust that unerringly.


8. Building resilience

Your true power comes from your core, from a deep layer of yourself. And not from your muscles! When you have little energy, you not only feel less powerful physically but also in your mind, in your emotions; your ability to face the challenges of life diminishes.

With regular practice, yoga helps build and balance your life force. From this vital force, you build resilience; that is, the ability to be strong and flexible through all the challenges of life.

Exercises like Ego Eradicator from kundalini yoga help to free the flow of energy through your body and your Mind.

An incredible power within you becomes accessible when the life energy flows. That energy is always available to you, but often that connection is clouded.

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